Decenas de miles de pensionistas de todas las comunidades españolas se reunieron este sábado en Madrid para manifestarse por la realización de auditorías y la reconstrucción del sistema de pensiones.
Marcharon desde Atocha hasta Sol donde se realizó el acto central.
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Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system

Pensioners from all over Spain meet in Madrid to protest the improvement of the pension system, the increase in minimum pensions and the carrying out of audits of the system